Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Shop Talk Podcast #9 - Francis Ten of West Indian Girl on Today's Music Business

For the latest edition of the podcast, we're talking the business of music. It's changed dramatically since the boom days of the late 1990's, when Napster hadn't yet been born and CD sales were at their peak. Now, music is easier to download free than to purchase.

In spite of these obstacles, the music world is more open to new voices than it's ever been. Making a living, though, has gotten harder.

Francis Ten is the bassist for West Indian Girl and also manages the group's business operations. West Indian Girl is based in Los Angeles and its latest album 4th and Wall was released in late 2007.

In a wide-ranging, fun (and funny) discussion, we talk about "revenue streams," MySpace, and why music is different from t-shirts.
And check out Fran's very personal and human response to the question of acquiring music free via filesharing rather than purchasing it. (Some similarly nuanced sentiments can be found in this post from consumer-electronics columnist and author David Pogue.)

The podcast is here (right-click to download).

(Intro and Outro music: "Up the Coast," from West Indian Girl's latest album 4th and Wall.)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Shop Talk Podcast #8b - Another mistake story from Ford Harding

Ford Harding, author of "Rain Making," who was interviewed in Shop Talk Podcast #7, was kind enough to share a mistake story for inclusion in The Mistake Bank.

Actually, he shared two. (The first is here.)

In the second, he tells us of the profound teachings he received from a prospect who simply wouldn't call him back (right-click to download).

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Shop Talk Podcast #8a - A mistake story from Ford Harding

Ford Harding, author of "Rain Making," who was interviewed in Shop Talk Podcast #7, was kind enough to share a mistake story for inclusion in The Mistake Bank.

Actually, he shared two. In the first, he relates a story that taught him there can be pitfalls in sharing the good side and bad side of things with a reporter (right-click to download).

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